Film: "The other Tom"



  • 1 October 2022, 15:05 Saturday
  • 3 October 2022, 18:00 Monday
  • 5 October 2022, 16:30 Wednesday
  • 6 October 2022, 20:00 Thursday
  • 13 October 2022, 18:00 Thursday
  • 15 October 2022, 17:00 Saturday


The other Tom
Rodrigo Plá and Laura Santullo |Mexico-USA| 2021 | 111'


Elena is a single mother and depends on social services. Her son, Tom, has behavioral difficulties and is stigmatized at school as a "problem child." The absence of the father is part of the complicated bond between them. Tom will be diagnosed with “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” and treated for that condition. However, a freak accident will put his mother on guard against psychiatric medication. Her refusal to continue giving him drugs will cause social services to threaten to withdraw custody.



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