Film: "Live your life"



Date: 8 December 2021, 20:00 Wednesday
Past events
  • 2 December 2021, 18:15 Thursday
  • 25 November 2021, 18:00 Thursday
  • 21 November 2021, 19:00 Sunday


Live your life

"Vivre sa vie" Jean-Luc Godard | France | 1962 | 83 '

Synopsis: Nana (Anna Karina) is a young woman in her twenties from the provinces who abandons her husband and her son to try to start an acting career in Paris. With no money to finance her new life, he starts working in a record store where she doesn't earn much. Not being able to pay the rent, she, her landlady, throws her out of the house, which is why Nana decides to become a prostitute.

Tickets available at the box office.

General admission

$ 50 Discount entrance $ 40 (Student, teacher, INAPAM and residents of Col. Cuauhtémoc ID) Identification will be requested to enter IFAL.

Identification will be requested and a temperature will be taken to enter IFAL. The use of face masks is essential at all times. Eating and drinking is not allowed. Please respect social distancing. Capacity limited to 45%.




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