The Skabilly Rebels



Full Name:The Skabilly Rebels

The Skabilly Rebels, usually billed as "Roddy Radiation & The Skabilly Rebels", are an English band formed in 2003 by Roddy Radiation, formerly of The Specials, and Sam Smith, who had previously worked together in rockabilly band The Bonediggers. The band is based in Coventry, England. Their songs, all written by Radiation, are a hybrid of ska and rockabilly music styles.

They released their debut album Blues Attack in 2009 and toured the United States in 2012. A follow-up EP, "Fallen Angels", was released in 2016.

This article uses material from the Wikipedia article The Skabilly Rebels, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.


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