Fuerza Regida



Full Name:Fuerza Regida

Fuerza Regida is a Mexican American regional Mexican band from San Bernardino, California. The band consists of lead vocalist Jesús Ortíz Paz, backing vocalist and twelve-string guitarist Samuel Jaimez, rhythm guitarist Khrystian Ramos, sousaphone player José "Pelón" García and tololoche player Moisés López.

Their single "Bebe Dame", a collaboration with Grupo Frontera reached 25th position on the Billboard Hot 100 in January 2023, as well as number one on both the US Hot Latin Songs and Mexico Songs charts. In May 2023, the band released "Pariente" in collaboration with Myke Towers. In October 2023, the band released their eighth studio album, Pa Las Baby's y Belikeada.

This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Fuerza Regida, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.


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