Ana Bárbara



Ana Bárbara, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Full Name:Ana Bárbara

Altagracia Ugalde Motta (born January 10, 1971), better known as Ana Bárbara, is a Mexican singer. She has become a prominent figure within Latin entertainment since her professional debut in 1994 and is one of the leading female figures in regional Mexican music.

She is recognized for her musical talent as well as her sex appeal. With a distinct vocal range, songwriting and producing talent, Bárbara has defined the modern Grupero performance and is one of the few regional Mexican acts to garner an international following that extends beyond México and the United States.

In the past two decades, Bárbara has released eleven studio albums, eighteen compilation albums, over thirty music videos, and four music video DVDs. She has sold over 6 million records in Mexico, Central America, South America, and the United States; she is also the recipient of Latin music's most prestigious accolades.

This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Ana Bárbara, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.


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