Álex Lora



Álex Lora, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Full Name:Álex Lora

José Alejandro Lora Serna (born December 2, 1952, in Puebla, México), better known by his stage name Álex Lora, is a Mexican musician and composer. He has been the frontman of the Mexican rock band El Tri for over 50 years, since October 12 of 1968 when he founded among Carlos Hauptvogel and Guillermo Berea the Three souls in my mind band, but because of differences with Carlos, Alex decided to create a new band called El Tri, as the followers of Three souls in my mind used to call them. In 2006, Hispanic music website batanga.com characterized Lora as "legendary", noting that among his honors and awards he has been named a "Distinguished Pueblan Citizen" in his home city and has been given the keys to the city in Miami, as well as having a day (November 10, 2002) and a statue in his hometown Tequela,Nayarit.

This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Álex Lora, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.


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